Thursday, December 20, 2012
Good Morning, Foodies! Today, will be my last posting until possibly January 15, 2013. I have committed to some catering during the holidays. It will…
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Good Morning Foodies! Today is Repeat Wednesday! Another great menu, to help you get through the excessive parties, guests and whatever may come your way. …
Breakfast Casserole
Breakfast Casserole Author: Alice Morrow Ingredients 1 (16-oz.) container of chopped onion mix 1 T. olive oil 3 c. chopped cooked ham or turkey 4…
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Good Morning Foodies! We all know now, that Christmas is one week from today. I hope you all are ready! I am posting today our…
Pickled Black-Eye Pea Salad
Pickled Black-Eye Pea Salad Author: Alice Morrow Ingredients 5 (15-oz.) cans black-eyed peas, drained 3 (2 1/4 –oz.) cans pitted, sliced black olives, drained 1…
Maw Maw’s Cabbage Rolls
Maw Maw's Cabbage Rolls Author: Alice Morrow Ingredients ½ lb. ground pork ½ lb. ground beef 1 ½ c. long grain rice (can be parboiled,…
Alice’s Overnight Pork Roast
Alice's Overnight Pork Roast Author: Alice Morrow Ingredients 1 (5-6 lb.)Boston Butt Roast, seasoned and stuffed with garlic 1 (16-oz.) container chopped onion mix 1…
Black-Eyed Peas with Sausage over Rice
Black-Eyed Peas with Sausage over Rice Author: Alice Morrow Ingredients 1 (1 lb.) pkg. dried black-eyed peas 1 lb. pkg. pickled pork 1 lb. Hickory…
Monday, December 17, 2012
Good Morning Foodies! Well, today, I am posting with such a heavy heart. These last few weeks, I have been stressing, the importance of remembering…
Alice’s Seafood Gumbo
Alice's Seafood Gumbo Author: Alice Morrow Ingredients 1 c. cooking oil & 1 ½ c. flour (or used roux in jar-follow directions on jar) 2…