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All-In-One Shrimp Orzo Skillet Surprise
Tasty Crawfish Bread Bites
Powerhouse Tuna Poke
Anytime Lemon-Orzo Salad with Roasted Asparagus and Tomatoes
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Lady "J"settled into a cove near Shelter Island.

Tuesdays Recap

  One of largest yachts world wide. Belongs to Joe Lewis who owns the Spurs      

Statue of Liberty.

Leaving NYC dock. Passing Twin Tower Replacement, Ellis Island and Sweet Lady Liberty

Our Greeting - Welcome to the Lady "J"!

The Lady “J”

  The Lady J Yacht

Lunch at Rockerfella Center

Having lunch at Rockerfeller Center. Lovely!

Lunch at Rockerfella Center    

Central Park

Enjoying NYC. Central Park. Boat House Restaurant. Beautiful day.



Good Morning Foodies! Did I mention to you that I get seasick! So to avoid ruining the trip for everyone, I have all bases covered…


Egg Piercer

EGG PIERCERKeep egg shells from cracking when making hard and soft boiled eggs by piercing a small hole in the shell. EGG PIERCER is made…

Repeat Wednesday and Today’s gadget from E’S KITCHEN

Good Morning Foodies! Sorry COMPUTER wants to sleep in this morning. So slow! On this REPEAT WEDNESDAY, I am trying to pack for this boat…

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