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Frozen Chocolate Pie with Pecan Crust

Frozen Chocolate Pie with Pecan Crust

Frozen Chocolate Pie with Pecan Crust


Frozen Chocolate Pie with Pecan Crust
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Frozen Chocolate Pie with Pecan Crust
  • 6 (1-oz.) squares semisweet chocolate
  • ½ t. instant coffee granules
  • 2 large eggs, beaten
  • 3 T. Kahlua or other coffee-flavored liqueur
  • ¼ c. powdered sugar
  • ¾ c. whipping cream
  • 1 t. vanilla
  • ¾ c. whipping cream
  • 1 T. Kahlua
  • Grated chocolate
  1. Place chocolate squares and coffee granules in top of double boiler. Bring water to a boil. Reduce heat to low. Stir until chocolate melts.
  2. Gradually stir about ¼ of melted chocolate mixture into eggs, mixing well. Add remaining chocolate mixture into double boiler.
  3. Gradually stir in Kahlua and powdered sugar. Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture reaches 160. Remove from heat. Cool to room temperature.
  4. Beat ¾ c. whipping cream until soft peaks form. Fold into chocolate mixture.
  5. Stir in vanilla. Spoon into crust. Cover and freeze. Transfer pie from freezer to refrigerator 1 hour before serving.
  6. Beat ¾ c. whipping cream until foamy. Gradually add 1 T. Kahlua, beating until soft peaks form. Pipe or dollop whipped dream around edge of pie. Sprinkle with grated chocolate.
Frozen Chocolate Pie with Pecan Crust
Recipe By:
Pecan Crust
  • 2 c. finely chopped pecans (must be real fine)
  • ⅓ c. firmly packed brown sugar
  • ¼ c. butter, melted
  • 2 t. Kahlua
  • PAM
  1. Combine first 4 ingredients, mixing well. Firmly press mixture into bottom and up sides of 9” pie plate, coated with PAM.
  2. Bake 350 for 12-14 minutes or until pecans are toasted. Press sides of crust with back of spoon. Cool completely.
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