MAGICAL MAC AND CHEESE¼ c. butter½ c. chopped Vidalia onion1 T. minced garlic¼ c. flour1…

Cute Leprechaun Cookies

Milano cookies
Orange food coloring
Vanilla frosting
Orange sprinkles
Green gumdrops
Mini candy eyes
Chocolate sprinkles
- With orange food coloring, tint the vanilla frosting.
- Spread a thin layer of frosting along edges of the Milano cookie to make the beard.
- Cover the beard with orange sprinkles.
- To make hat, cut off the bottom of green gumdrop (this will allow it to stick to the hat’s brim).
- Cut the another gumdrop in half vertically and stick it on to the top of the Milano cookie using frosting for it to stick to.
- Attach mini candy eyes with the frosting and a chocolate sprinkle for the smile.