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Monday, February 25, 2013

Good Morning Foodies! So, here we are—THE LAST WEEK OF FEBRUARY! My how time flies! This week I will be posting recipes that involve KALE! Honestly, growing up, never really had any experiences with this veggie. All of a sudden, it is the newest and hottest veggie on the market. I have really enjoyed experimenting with it. Sort of a good break from spinach, but I do find, that they are two veggies that are very similar in their usages. Don’t be afraid to try new and exciting things. Don’t feel helpless in preparing it. You can feel helpless, when you have a full cup of coffee in your hands and you start to sneeze, uncontrollably—NOW THAT IS HELPLESS—for you and anything and anyone around you! If you have any new and interesting recipes involving KALE, feel free to share with the group. I think if you give it a try, it will become one of your favorites, also. Have a great day!

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