Thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for the most wonderful, loving…
Monday, February 18, 2013
Good Morning Foodies! We had the most wonderful ski adventure with the PEEPS AND GRAND PEEPS! Sort of nice, to see the pay-back, when we struggled, to get everyone ready, for ski school in the morning. You know the drill: Get Up-Eat Breakfast, Quickly! Start Putting on Those Layers of Clothes! Finding the Missing Glove! Struggling with the Boots! Screaming Because They Are Hot—You Set Them Outside, While Dressing the Others! Oh Yes, Then, I HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM! Ah, yes, Revenge is Sweet—as I sipped on my coffee and watched from a distance! Truly amazing, to watch the Grand Peeps fall and bounce up like it was nothing! Ah to be that agile again! Real nice to be back to the high humidity and dense altitude! Gotta say, that high altitude, kicked our butts! You know you are in trouble, when you are out of breath, just from trying to put on your boots! Let’s not forget those nose bleeds! Thought I was going to have to get a blood transfusion if it did not stop. Poppa Bear and I did not ski–we were those people you saw sitting around outside sipping hot chocolate or a nice wine or cool brew. For once, when I took off my hat, my hair did not look like a mailman’s postal route. Also nice, not to have that stuff that comes out of your nose (not sure what all that is) smeared and stuck to your face! Oh yes, the nice chapped lips and the dry skin are another bonus! My feet, were so dry, that when I walked across the carpet, it was like my feet had Velcro stuck to the bottom of them. So yes, I am glad to be back on the bayou with high humidity and swatting those pesky bugs! I am so sorry that the holidays of Mardi Gras and Valentine’s Day fell so close. I like for the holidays to be spread out so you can enjoy each one individually. Did not get a chance to do a nice Valentine’s posting but hope the pic of strawberries and chocolate gave you a little inspiration. You can never go wrong with CHOCOLATE!!!!! So, I thought for the remaining part of February, I would do some HEART-HEALTHY RECIPES! Today’s postings and tomorrow will deal with spinach. All of the spinach recipes will stem from the one simple recipe of SPINACH SAUTE. I hope you will enjoy them. They are some of my favorites. Have a great day!