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Chocolate Pudding Cake

Alice’s Chocolate Cake Pudding


Alice's Chocolate Cake Pudding
Recipe type: Cake
Recipe By:
  • CAKE:
  • ¾ c. sugar
  • 1 c. flour
  • ¼ t. salt
  • 2 t. baking powder
  • 2 T. cocoa
  • ½ c. milk
  • 3 T. melted butter, cooled
  • 1 t. vanilla
  1. Sift together cake ingredients of sugar, flour, salt, baking powder and cocoa.
  2. Grease 13x9” pan or smaller if you want thicker pudding type.
  3. Place the dry ingredients from step one in pan.
  4. Mix together milk, butter and vanilla. Stir into dry ingredients in pan. Take a fork and work it till it blends. Does not have to be perfect.
  5. In bowl, mix the topping ingredients of sugar, brown sugar and cocoa.
  6. Sprinkle over the cake base in pan.
  7. Sprinkle with chopped pecans.
  8. Pour the water over the top of everything.
  9. Bake 350 for 45 minutes.
*****Best served warm with whipped topping or ice cream. You can reheat individual servings in microwave if it gets cold. Freezes beautifully
Alice's Chocolate Cake Pudding
Recipe type: Topping
Recipe By:
  • ½ c. sugar
  • ½ c. brown sugar
  • ¼ c. cocoa
  • 1 c. chopped pecans

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