Good Morning Foodies! Well, the countdown begins for Holy Week. Got to go get those eggs to boil, so the GRAND PEEPS, can dye them and themselves. I always try to set them up outside on the grass and put old T-shirts on them and let them have at it. Always a fun time! You are never too old to join in this little project. I love to take pictures, of the…m doing this, along with the egg hunts! I don’t know about you, but my kids always made faces and still do, when I gather them for pics. The thing that I am trying to imprint in their minds is that, PICTURES ARE NOT NECESSARILY FOR TODAY BUT FOR TOMORROW! As of today, the new GRAND PEEP’S MOMMY, is begging for pics of her to compare their looks. SEE I TOLD YOU!!!!!!!!!!! I will be posting some of my Easter favorites this week. I will only post on Monday and Tuesday. I will use Wednesday as my wrap up date. I am sure you all are going to be very busy this week and GEAUXASKALICE will be a vague thought! If any of you have great Easter stories or traditions or recipes, you would like to share, now is the time. Always looking for new ideas! Enjoy this beautiful weather! Have a great day!
Today’s Menu:
Grilled Lamb Kebobs
Asparagus Rice
Homemade KitKat Bars