Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Good Morning Foodies! Today, is round two of the infamous KALE! It was brought to my attention by one of the Foodies, that they could not tolerate SPINACH, so the KALE, may be a new veggie to try. Not sure, if you foodies, are all on board, for this neglected veggie. The feeling reminds me of an opening line for some old joke, “THE PAST, THE PRESENT, AND THE FUTURE WALKED INTO A BAR—-IT WAS TENSE!” So come on FOODIES—give it a try! New awakenings are great—“SOMETIMES I DRINK WATER JUST TO SURPRISE MY LIVER!” Have a great day!
Today’s Menu: Kale and Tomato Eggs Benedict and Spicy Parmesan Kale and Green Beans