Good Morning Foodies! This morning before I give you the ALASKA TRIP SUMMARY, I want to acknowledge two major events today. First, I want to wish Melody, my personal assistant for the GAA site, a most wonderful happy birthday. Mel saves my sanity on a weekly basis. She is my backbone for the website! I love her dearly! Second, I want to wish GRAND PEEP NU…MBER “8” a fun-filled happy birthday. It is hard to believe that GRAND PEEP SOPHIA is turning “2”! She is so precious and a blessing just like all the other “7” GRAND PEEPS! Cannot wait to see her this weekend for a little birthday bash. The first thing I can tell you about ALASKA is that it is very, very, very far away! I had no clue about the distance and time it takes to get there. Basically, it is a two day trip there and back home. I think SARAH PALIN was correct when she said, “YOU CAN SEE RUSSIA FROM ALASKA”! I was sorry I did not see any ESKIMEAUX’S but glad I didn’t see any BEARS! My very intelligent and sweet neighbor, Carla, gave me some excellent advice about the bears. She said if confronted by a bear, do not worry about running faster than the bear, only concentrate on running faster than HUBBY!!!!! Good advice for further reference, I think!!!
When someone tries to explain the scenery of this fabulous state, they are only giving you the tip of the iceberg, (no pun intended, here)! It is truly something you have to see with your own eyes. Even the air smells crisp and clean. So nice not to see litter. You can tell people respect everyone’s boundaries. Everything from the WHALES, EAGLES, SEALS, BEARS, FISH, all share their spaces with you!
The first time you see the whales, you sort of get this adrenalin rush then when you see them coming toward you—a different rush comes over you! It would take me forever to describe how ALASKA looks, feels, smells. It truly is a very surreal feeling! You think it can’t be this quiet and beautiful when it has some of the biggest creatures around, but it is!
Our share of the caught halibut arrived yesterday. It was so nicely cleaned, packaged and frozen. HUBBY and I grilled some and it was so delicious. That fish is so tender, mild and so flavorful!
The staff on our boat were the most incredible people ever. Always smiling and willing to do anything for you. That has to be a tough job but you would never know it from their style and grace. I always love going on a trip and meeting new people that become your new friends!
I think my favorite saying pretty much sums up the trip to Alaska and the people I met: “LIFE IS NOT MEASURED BY THE BREATHS YOU TAKE, BUT BY THE MOMENTS THAT TAKE YOUR BREATH AWAY!” Yep—THAT IS ALASKA! PUT THAT ON YOUR BUCKET LIST!!!!
Have a great and productive weekend!
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Great post Ms A