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Ruston Peach Surprise

Ruston Peach Surprise


Ruston Peach Surprise
Recipe By:
Ruston Peach Surprise
  • Fresh Ruston Peaches
  • Butter
  • Ice Cream
  • Pound Cake
  1. Take the Ruston Peaches, wash, cut in half, pit it and cut into nice slices.
  2. Take a skillet (size depends on how many peaches you are doing), melt butter that will form a thin coat on bottom of skillet.
  3. Saute peach slices until they are golden brown.
  4. Serve over pound cake with ice cream.
*****YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The most delicious dessert ever and so fresh. Stephen left this recipe on my counter one time when he was at my house. He says it only works with Ruston Peaches. The peaches definitely need to be sweet. So if you have a connection with someone with those delicious Ruston Peaches---TRY THIS---you will not regret it

Ruston Peach Surprise served with Ice Cream and cake
Ruston Peach Surprise served with Ice Cream and cake
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