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Roasted Yams Diced

Roasted Diced Yams


Roasted Diced Yams
Recipe By:
  • 2-3 large yams, washed
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Garlic powder
  • 1 t. Cumin
  • Fresh thyme
  • PAM
  1. Trim ends off yams, cut in half, then in strips and then into cubes.
  2. Take a baking sheet and line with foil.
  3. Spray pan with PAM.
  4. In large bowl, mix cubed yams with salt, black pepper, garlic powder and about 1 t. cumin.
  5. Drizzle with olive oil. Take your hands and mix well. Olive oil should cover all the yams.
  6. Spread out on cookie sheet. Sprinkle with fresh thyme.
  7. Preheat oven 400. Roast in oven 12-15 minutes or until tender. You want to move the yams around to keep them from sticking.
*****If you have any leftover, I like to mash them. Add a little cinnamon, nutmeg, a little honey or sugar for some sweetness. If they are too stiff, add a little warmed milk or butter. Serve like mashed sweet potatoes.

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