WONDERFUL WEDNESDAYS!Good Morning Foodies!Today’s Menu:Incredible Layered Buffalo Chicken DipTasty Zucchini Zoodle, Green Peas and Tortellini…
Good Morning Foodies! Okay, everyone who lives in the south and on the coast, all know when HURRICANE SEASON KICKS OFF! I don’t know about you, but I often wonder, why they have to tell us every year, how to get prepared. They have a whole television program, showing what you need to buy, have on hand and how to get ready. So, for you FOODIES…, who are not in the realm of the HURRICANE radius—YOU ARE THE ONES WHO NEED TO WATCH AND LISTEN TO ALL THAT STUFF, OF COURSE, ONLY IF YOU ARE MOVING HERE OR VISITING AT A TIME WHEN A HURRICANE OCCURS.
I know you NON-HURRICANE FOODIES might be wondering why I say this. Well, this is a very short explanation of my complaint. First of all, you know, we have “HURRICANE PARTIES, HURRICANE BEVERAGES, etc.” Anyone, who lives in this area, can agree with what I am about to say—“WE PEOPLE, ARE ALWAYS HAVING PARTIES OR ENTERTAINING! SO WE ARE ALWAYS PREPARED FOR WHATEVER MAY COME! WE CAN OUTLAST AND ENDURE MOST ANYTHING- YOU THROW OUR WAY!” KATRINA knocked us pretty good but it only made us stronger and more diligent!
The MORROW CLAN is having a huge gathering this coming weekend at the lodge. My nephew, Darrell Morrow and his family are coming for a visit. They now live in Ohio and we don’t see them very often. We will be celebrating a 50th ANNIVERSARY, THE JUNE BIRTHDAYS; and I figure if we throw in FATHER’S DAY—we got it all covered! We will use any excuse to gather and share the love!!! I will be posting on Monday but may be a little later in the day—depending how long it takes to get the family members to go home!
Have a great and productive weekend!