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June 27, 2013:

Good Morning Foodies! Today’s post will be short and sweet—ACTUALLY A PUN ON WORDS! If you did not get to see the Ruston Peach Surprise recipe yesterday, it is worth going back for. My dear friend, Stephen Sebastien, gave me that recipe. Only problem, it is only fantastic with those RUSTON PEACHES or very sweet peaches. If you have a connection to those fabulous peaches, hold on to it. It looks like the little guy who previously sold them on the roadside is not longer doing that. Haven’t seen him in years. I think Brad Jackson and Stephen Sebastein head him off at the pass and buy up all the goodies! Adding sugar to regular peaches, just doesn’t swing it. It is the most divine summer dessert! You know the saying, “LEAD ME NOT INTO TEMPTATION!— Well, just follow me on this, it is a shortcut to temptation!” Next week, I will post on Monday and Tuesday gearing toward the Fourth of July weekend. I will not post on Wednesday and Thursday, July 3rd and 4th. I know none of you will be sitting around looking at websites. I will also post some pics today of some very unique kitchen aids. I think these are some new great things especially when you need to tote food to the park, beach, family gathering or just in your own backyard. I know you can get these at most kitchen shops, on line and as my Great Aunt Nis would say, at dat department stow. I think my friend, Paul of E’s Kitchen Shop in Lafayette could steer you in the right direction to attain any of these helpful holiday goodies! Hopefully you will be out there and enjoying this wonderful holiday! Have a great day and fabulous extended holiday weekend! Be safe!

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