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Mothers Day!!!

May 8, 2013

Good Morning Foodies!  This week, menus are in honor of all those people who take on the role of MOTHERS!  You know the food for MOTHERS always seem to revolve around brunch items.  As I told you before, they feed you in bed.  Then, it is up and at it!  You get in there, and pull that wonderful MOTHERS’ DAY LUNCH together, so the men can take credit for it.  My CRÈME BRULEE is a prime example of that.  For years, I have been making this dessert for my kids and GRAND PEEPS.  Last year, as we finished our meal, one GRAND PEEP, said, “GRAMMIE, WHEN IS POPPA GONNA MAKE HIS CRÈME BRULEE?”  The reason he gets the credit is that they always see him with the little burner, crystallizing the sugar.  They just assumed he made the whole thing!  So I should really name it POPPA’S CRÈME BRULEE.  If you remember my last year post, I stated that you do not necessarily have to give birth to be a MOTHER!  I know many aunts, nieces, cousins, grandparents, and even males that take on the role of being a mother-figure-head.  One thing I know for sure, when you lose your Mother, all of a sudden, you seem to remember everything she said or tried to instill in you.  A day does not go by, that I do not think of my Mother.  Something, as little as a smell from the kitchen, a sound of shuffling feet, looking at a rocking chair can bring all those memories roaring back.  I know, there are people, who may not have such good memories, but I hope for them that there is someone, somewhere that can fulfill that role.  We all deserve someone to look up to.  Just remember, that you can be that person, for someone in your family or community, who needs a mentor.   One thing I can remember my grandmother, then my mother, saying to me:  “DON’T TRY SO HARD TO FIT IN—WHEN YOU WERE BORN TO STAND OUT!”  Today—go out and hug and kiss that person, who was your MOTHER FIGURE!   Have a great day!

Today’s Menu:
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