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Good Morning Foodies: WOW, WHAT A WEEKEND! I am so excited when I can light a fire. There is nothing more comforting than a nice bowl of gumbo, full-bodied red wine, a blazing fire, my favorite music and my fabulous “SWEATS”. The weather could stay like that forever for me! I must say my TIGERS let me down. I still love my TIGERS, but today it is not that warm and fuzzy love! GOING TO BE A LONG SEASON! I was excited for the two MISSISSIPPI teams. They deserve the recognition.
Now down to some foods that help enhance this weather. Last week, one of the FOODIES, asked me about SPLIT PEA AND HAM SOUP. I don’t know why but I thought I had done that recipe. BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I have not posted it yet. I promise to do one down the line. You will notice today’s menu has ‘SPLIT PEA AND YAM SOUP”. This is a nice switch up for this soup. I said I would try and introduce our SWEET YAMS as much as I could. You might want to give this soup a try.
Today’s dessert recipe is one of my mother-in-law’s. I just loved when she made this pie. If you like GERMAN CHOCOLATE CAKE you are going to love this pie. It is over the top.
Now is the time to pull out all those gumbo and soup pots. Don’t be afraid to double recipes and freeze the goodies you make. You will be so glad when the holidays come around and all you have to do is defrost something and maybe add a salad, veggie and bread. This is the time of year to enjoy all the festivities, so GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN!!!!!!
Have a great day!

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