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Today’s Menu:

Lemon Pesto Spinach with Fettuccine and Shrimp

St. Joseph’s Fritters

Good Morning Foodies! Looks like two great SAINTS are celebrated this week. Growing up in the Italian culture, ST. JOSEPH’S DAY is monumental. I have such great memories growing up with the approach of this special day. You haven’t seen anything until you see all those little Italian women preparing the food and beverages for this day. I am glad to see that the town of Opelousas still prepares the ST. JOSEPH’S ALTAR. For those of you who are not familiar with this big production, here is a very short version of the event. Usually a family or families gather to pay homage to St. Joseph for some special favor that was granted through prayer. Children are selected to represent the HOLY FAMILY and some special SAINTS. After the altar is blessed, the selected HOLY FAMILY, has to taste each item that comes off the altar, and then it is passed on to the gathering of people. Most leftovers are donated to some worthy group. When I was about 6, I was selected to be MARY. Needless, to say, being that young, I could care less about most of the food passing my way—NOW IF THAT WAS TODAY—THEY WOULD HAVE TROUBLE GETTING MARY OFF THE ALTAR! I know the New Orleans area still has quite a few of the altars. If you ever get to visit one, do so—YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT. There is some of the most amazing food items served. It is not just random food—there is a significant meaning to each item served. Some of the items were as follows:

Dried Fava Beans—carry in your wallet-you would always have money on hand.

Blessed Bread in Freezer-throw crumbs out in bad storms to protect you.

Blessed Bread Shapes: Round (circle of life); Oval (Easter); Cross.

Bread Crumbs Spread Around Altar-represents St. Joseph’s carpenter dust.

Never meat on the altar—only seafood (because this holiday usually falls during Lent)

Beautiful Meringue Doves-represent the Holy Spirit.

The night before there is the blessing of the altar and all gather to say the rosary. How I miss those days! I hope you get to enjoy the ST. JOSEPH FRITTERS that are posted today. I can still smell them in LITTLE MAW-MAW’S HOUSE!

Have a most wonderful day!

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