Today’s Gadgets! Crazy ones!
So today’s Gadgets, I think can be highly dangerous! The first comes from E’s Kitchen in Lafayette. It is called the Genietti (1000 and 1 Solutions for your Kitchen.) All I can say is what the ad says: “IT’S TIME TO HAVE FUN! MAKE YOUR CHILDHOOD DREAM COME TRUE! PUT YOUR FINGER IN THE CHOCOLATE!” This little device is perfect for getting the last little bits of products out of those pesky jars. So, if it makes you feel any better, think in the terms of getting those last bits of eye cream out of that crazy little jar. The other gadget I found in one of my wine catalogs. I am not sure if this is a good or bad thing! But, Hey—someone put it out there for some of us fools to try!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will let you know how the testing goes! These two gadgets could be the death of me!