Today’s Gadget is from Mui Color. It is a food/beverage storage jars!

Recently, I was contacted by the company MUI COLOR! They have a line of products that are eco-friendly and offered to send me one of their products. I agreed to have one of the products sent to me. I must say they have a very nice line of items to choose from. MUI COLOR sent me one of their food containers. I had a choice of color that I would like and got it. The FOOD CONTAINER holds 20 ounces of product. It will keep food HOT for 6 hours and cold foods for 12 hours. It has an easy screw-off lid designed with a pressure release button. It is BPA FREE. I love the little handle on top. Great product if you have to pack lunches, etc. for your love ones! You can go to their site MUICOLOR for more information on their line of products. Check it out!