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Salmon Filet Wrapped Around Fresh Asparagus

Salmon Filet Wrapped Around Fresh Asparagus


Salmon Filet Wrapped Around Fresh Asparagus
Recipe By:
  • Thinly sliced salmon filets to fit your number (if you do not like salmon, use any thin fish you like)
  • 1 bunch fresh pencil thin asparagus, cleaned and stemmed
  • Jamacian Jerk Marinade and Sauce
  • Fresh Lemon juice
  • Salt, black pepper and garlic powder
  1. Take clean asparagus and season with salt, pepper and garlic powder.
  2. Also take fish filets and season.
  3. Wrap each fish filet around 2-3 asparagus.
  4. Place in baking dish and brush fish with the jerk sauce and squeeze fresh lemon over it.
  5. Place in refrigerator for at least 1 hour.
  6. Bring to room temperature before grilling.
  7. Heat a solid grill pan (not one with spaces). Spray with PAM and drizzle a little olive oil on grill pan.
  8. Place fish on it and grill 2-4 minutes on each side. Squeeze with fresh lemon on both sides.
*****I like to serve this over a bed of corn sauté with shrimp and roasted red potatoes.

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