Gear up for upcoming "SAINTLY DAYS"-ST. PATRICK AND ST. JOSEPH! Have a great day and…
Good Morning Foodies!
My, my, cannot believe we are closing in on the “HOT MONTH OF AUGUST”! Not really sad to see it go. This has been one LONG, HOT SUMMER! I don’t even think “CATS ON THE HOT TIN ROOF” could bear it.
I AM SO READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL! Watching FOOTBALL GAMES is always a great excuse to enjoy FAMILY, FRIENDS AND FOOD! Enjoy!
When I see my GRAND PEEPS winding up their first week of school, I like to pick their brain to determine what has PROGRESSED OR REGRESSED in the manner of teaching these developing munchkins. Needless to say, I am shocked at some things, and not moved either way by others. I compare what they learn in this present day with what I was taught back in the “DARK AGES”.
I was discussing “LOUISIANA HISTORY” with HUBBY one night. La. History was a class we all had to take both in high school and college. My first question to my HUBBY– “do they even teach this course anymore!” I will have to check that out! I would like to sit in on a class today and listen how teachers interpret events that occurred over the past 50 years or so.
As I was watching one of the GRAND PEEPS working on math problems, I inquired about tools, like the protractor, compass, slide ruler, or just a plain ruler! I don’t think they use these tools anymore. Everything is available on computers or lap tops. Back in the day, the one weird tool was the “COMPASS”. If you are my age or older, you remember that little pointed object which was used to draw geometric circles. Well, one GRAND PEEP asked—“why would we need a compass for directions in class” OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I then told HUBBY, the compass that we are familiar with would probably be considered a “WEAPON”! The other interesting thing was that we did not have calculators in high school or college. Some of us used our fingers and toes to count!!!!!!!!! I got my first calculator when I had to start balancing my check book! GEEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!
Last, but not least, is the controversy about doing away with “CURSIVE WRITING”. Once again, I asked a GRAND PEEP about that decision. I was told that they may choose either writing form that they are most comfortable. I understand the theory that everything from iPads, computers, iPhones, etc. are done in the “PRINT FORM”. Here is where I am confused—if everyone PRINTS, what happens to “OUR SIGNATURES”! Don’t we need to have our own identity when it comes to your individual handwriting! I AM SO CONFUSED!
Here is a little tidbit on our generation’s understanding of all the new electronic gadgets of the world and how the younger generation views us.
Goes like this: A “SILVER SURFER” was having difficulty with her computer. She called an 11-year-old neighbor to come and help her. In the blink of the eye, he had corrected the problem. She was curious and asked what the problem was. He quickly responded, “It was an ID ten T error”! She did not want to appear stupid, but inquired in case it ever would happen again. He asked her if she has never heard of that problem before. She said no. He suggested that she write down the word and said that she would understand the problem. The SILVER SURFER wrote it down and it looked like this: “ID10T”! Needless, to say, the 11-year old was not allowed back! I can relate to this!
No matter what age or generation you are in, just try to enjoy your life with those you love the most!