Good Morning Foodies!

Today’s Menu:

Peppery Creamy Arugula and Zucchini Soup
Tuna Nicoise Sandwiches
Sno-Ball Mug Cake

I am so glad I decided to take the week off. There was much to do, to get back to my normal schedule. The Arctic blast made things quite difficult to do some of the “HONEY-DO’S” on HUBBY’S list as well as mine! Lot of that “Crud” going around family and friends. Oh did I mention, we have a new puppy! Trying to keep him warm without him destroying the house! Oh yes, just been a barrel of fun these past few days! Ready for some normalcy!
Today, just enjoy an easy menu—nice soup, sandwich and a microwaved dessert!
Going to set back and take it easy for one more day and watch the NATIONAL FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP GAME! OH, yes, don’t forget MARDI GRAS SEASON HAS STARTED!
Have a great day!