Men's Basketball vs Texas A&M Photo by: Andrew Wevers
Today’s Menu:
Good Morning Foodies! First thing up, just found out that our niece, Missy Bienvenu Andrade, gave birth to her second child today. A beautiful baby girl—CAMILLA MARIE—congrats—love being that CRAZY OLD GREAT-AUNT! I hope everyone has had a chance to take a deep breath and settle down into this crazy month of MARCH and finally figured out to set your clocks forward one hour. BETTER LATER THAN NEVER! Last Friday, had a surprise visit from, not one, but three fire trucks. It appears my CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR went off. I was not at home at the time. I was at the WORLD FAMOUS WAL MART IN VILLE PLATTE with some of my GRAND PEEPS. It was very comforting to know that so many people were worried about me. I had calls from so many friends and family to make sure I was okay. No fear, the GEAUXASKALICE KITCHEN IS STILL FUNCTIONING! I think my concern was, when HUBBY arrived on the scene, the firemen were just sitting outside. I am thinking to myself, if there is a CO2 leak, wouldn’t I be unconscious on the floor or something! JUST SAYING! Anyway, I appreciate their immediate response as well from my neighbors and friends! NICE TO KNOW PEOPLE CARE AND WORRY ABOUT YOU! So much is happening, in this month, and we are already almost half way through! Due to the date times, I will have to post things the week before so that you have time to do any of the dishes for the upcoming festivities of ST. PATRICK’S DAY, ST. JOSEPH’S DAY, LENT, SPRING AND JUST THE WHOLE MARCH MADNESS THING!
This week’s menus will feature ST. PATRICK’S DAY AND THE COLOR OF GREEN!!!!
I am hoping that SPRING MAKES AN APPEARANCE AND STAYS! Have a great day!