Good Morning Foodies!
Before I give you my THURSDAY STORY, have something to say to all you FOODIES!
It is with a very heavy heart, that I have decided to shut down GEAUXASKALICE, during this pandemic event. I find that in my blog, I try to promote FAMILY AND FRIENDS coming together. I also promote new ideas in gadgets and products. With these suggestions, that means you have to go out and get them. Since we are in the STAYING IN SHELTER and encouraged to practice SOCIAL DISTANCING, it really dismisses my agenda. I feel like I am spinning my wheels in promoting “COMING TOGETHER”! So, for now, I will not be posting menus, recipes, gadgets, products and tips. I will try and share things that I will be doing during this horrific time in our history! I will check my site daily. If you have any questions or in search of recipes, I will gladly do my best to help you out. So sorry to do this, but didn’t see my site being fruitful at this time.
We all know that “TOGETHER” is our favorite place to be!
The one thing I have learned for sure during this pandemic is “LIVE YOUR LIFE, AND FORGET YOUR AGE!”
Sending prayers and good wishes to all you FOODIES who have been so supportive of my FOOD BLOG!
It is really amazing to think we will be approaching HOLY WEEK, already. I hope you all can join, family and friends (EVEN THOUGH ON A LIMITED NUMBER SCALE), in this most inspiring and holy time.
I love this time of year and since my birthday always falls around Easter—I GET GREAT GIFTS! I have always been bombarded with bunnies as gifts. Those of you who know me, I have a vast BUNNY COLLECTION! Years ago, I told people that I had plenty of bunnies, so they could now move on to diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds and crystal and such things! STILL GET BUNNIES!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am still a fanatic about setting the table and using those dishes. Believe me, I have the BUNNY DISHES! My mom always gave me something that had bunnies on it.
I never forget, it was about 2 weeks after my Mom had passed away, and I was thinking about her, because her death was close to Easter. I was mindlessly doing something in the kitchen and looking out in the backyard, when all of a sudden, way in the back corner of the yard, was the biggest bunny I had ever seen. It would come every evening around 4 and sit in the corner for about 15-20 minutes, staring at the window. After 4 weeks, it never came back. I know that was my mom checking on me!!!!!!!!!!
Then, this is where it gets funny—two years later, my dad passed away. Hubby comes home and says to me, “I just saw your dad with your mom in the front yard, hopping along!” I said, “Oh, that is so sweet!” Hubby then says, “LOOKS LIKE YOU ARE NOT AN ONLY CHILD, ANYMORE!” I laughed until I had tears running down my legs.
The preparation for EASTER begins! Got to go get those eggs to boil, so the GRAND PEEPS, can dye them and themselves. I always try to set them up outside on the grass and put old T-shirts on them and let them have at it. Always a fun time! You are never too old to join in this little project. NOW, this year, maybe it will not be a group activity!
I love to take pictures, of them doing this, along with the egg hunts! I don’t know about you, but my kids always made faces and still do, when I gather them for pics. The thing that I am trying to imprint in their minds is that, PICTURES ARE NOT NECESSARILY FOR TODAY BUT FOR TOMORROW! As of today, the new GRAND PEEP’S MOMMIES, start begging for pics of years past to compare to what is happening today! SEE I TOLD YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
It is a great time for family reunions and gatherings. The one thing I have found out about FAMILY REUNIONS—it is a gathering of family but also at times, includes non-family members. Sometimes, we forget that not everyone has a family or place to go. So, if you know of someone, who is alone and no place to go, invite them to join your family, (OF COURSE, NOT THIS YEAR)! These people will soon become a part of your family. EVERYONE SHOULD BELONG SOMEWHERE!!!! Remember: “THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING TO BE THANKFUL FOR! SO, SHARE YOUR BLESSINGS!” Of course, SHARE SAFELY!
Trying not to let the CORONAVIRUS ruin this most precious religious Easter holiday!
KITCHEN CLOSED INDEFINITELY, for now! I do hope everyone has a very nice EASTER. Let us all pray that the world will become a safe and loving environment!