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June 30, 2022:
Good Morning Foodies!
Well, we are about to close out the first month of summer vacation and open up the festivities for the FOURTH OF JULY! I heard some mothers in the grocery store the other day, say that the kids would be back in school in about 6 weeks. WOW!!!!!!!!!!
I think that because the FOURTH falls on a Monday, it will be a pretty long weekend of celebrations.
I think I like to take breaks away from the normal day-to-day schedule. I think my EXERCISE ROUTINE will consists of doing DIDDLY SQUATS, THINKING THAT CHEWING IS A FORM OF EXERCISE. Since I have become a SENIOR CITIZEN—my EYES have gotten REDDER; my hair has gotten WHITER; and my VEINS have gotten BLUER—–I FEEL SO PATRIOTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can recall as a youngster, the FOURTH was just about POPPING FIREWORKS, EATING HOT DOGS, DRINKING LEMONADE, MAKING HOME-MADE ICE CREAM, SWIMMING, PLAYING BALL, ETC. There was not the constant threat of terrorism or war. Our world has changed dramatically because of this. Every day we hear of some horrific act of terrorism or face constant threats. Not such an easy world any more.
I think we still should do our family celebrations for the FOURTH OF JULY but now, we must think of our SERVICE PEOPLE. We need to take time during these celebrations and thank the YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN serving in all BRANCHES OF THE MILITARY. It is because of them that we have the FREEDOM TO ENJOY ALL THAT WE HAVE, EVERYDAY! WE SALUTE YOU! FREEDON ISN’T FREE-GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Don’t forget to wave that BEAUTIFUL FLAG! Wherever you are, be safe and enjoy those around you!
Our family lucked out this year by being able to have a family vacation, yep, all 17 of us. The trip is an adventure to the TURKS AND CAICOS! Unfortunately, my healing process from my hip replacement has forced HUBBY and I to bow out of the trip. My heart is so broken. Since I already planned to be out and not post, I am still going to pretend I am on vacation.
Have a most wonderful and safe FOURTH OF JULY HOLIDAY!

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