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Good Morning Foodies! As you can see the “WICKED DAYS OF GOBBLING UP CANDY” are quickly approaching. Don’t know about you but HALLOWEEN AND EASTER are my best two excuses for buying all that junk candy, saying I need it for “TRICK OR TREATERS” and filling those “EASTER BASKETS AND SOME FOR THE EGG HUNTS”! Best excuse to eat all the leftovers! This only works if you buy in excess—IN WHICH I DO PROUDLY!

I was thinking about the days of old when we had the YAMBILEE! This was a fun-filled family adventure! Missed those creative people who would make something out of the yam-shape and name it. Soooo cute!

However, you choose to celebrate this crazy holiday-enjoy the moment! When I approach someone’s door and knock or ring the doorbell, I merely say, “NO FEAR, DON’T NEED YOUR CANDY-HAVE PLENTY AT HOME—I AM ONLY HERE FOR THE “BOOS”! Did you catch that!

Guess what, another family birthday! Today, is my fantastic daughter-in-law, NICOLE’S BIRTHDAY!
You are such an inspiration and great addition to the family. Your endless energy and talents are truly amazing! Your four daughters have a fantastic role model!

This coming Saturday, October 27th, is my PEEP, CELESTE’S BRITHDAY! Yep, OCTOBER is a killer month for family birthdays!

My great memory today, is the birth of my first daughter, CELESTE. I want to wish you such a joyful and fulfilling BIRTHDAY! You bring a fulfillment into my heart that you will never know how big it is! Have a most wonderful day with your fabulous husband, JOE and those two precious DAUGHTERS—SOPHIA AND GABRIELLE! These two GRAND PEEPS have captured the best of you!
Have a great day!

Have a safe and great day and weekend!

Texting while flying
Texting while flying
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