Gear up for upcoming "SAINTLY DAYS"-ST. PATRICK AND ST. JOSEPH! Have a great day and…
Good Morning Foodies!
Ok, gonna step off my BLOG for a moment! I want to take the following time to wish the following people happy birthday! Today, wishes go out to my handsome and most talented photographer, son-in-law, Joe Lopez. Then tomorrow, my daughter-in-law, Nicole Bridges Morrow, will celebrate her birthday! She is a true blessing! Finally, on Sunday, my beautiful daughter, Celeste Morrow Lopez, will celebrate her big day! Yes, they kill me in the month of OCTOBER for BIRTHDAY GIFTS! I would never trade that feeling of celebration for anything in the world! I learned that from my dad—HE SO LOVED BIRTHDAYS AND PARTIES! ALWAYS TAKE TIME TO CELEBRATE WITH THOSE YOU LOVE!
NEVER, NEVER, NEVER take BIRTHDAYS FOR GRANTED! This is your special day—so go ahead and make it extra special for yourself—surround yourself with love ones and eat all the cake you can!
Just remember, “FAMILY is a CIRCLE of STENGTH AND LOVE!”
Have a safe and most productive weekend!