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Cajun Food Tours – Morrow Gals on Cajun Food Bus Tour

It is a minivan that holds 14 people. The tour is owned and ran by Marie Ducote ( Her phone number is (337)230-6169. Her website is My niece Missy Bienvenu Andrade, who is employed by the Lafayette Chamber of Commerce, pulled this gathering together for all of the MORROW FEMALES. There are 2 tours per day, one in morning and one in the evening. You begin by meeting the bus in the parking lot of the Hilton on Pinhook. Ms. Ducote then proceeds to drive in different directions and gives quite a little history of Lafayette. I learned some quite interesting facts that I never knew. We visited the following eateries: JOHNSON’S BOUCANIERE; OLDE TYME GROCERY; STEVE N PAT’S BON TEMPS GRILL; DEANO’S SOUTH; 1895 CAJUN CUISINE & PUB; BLUE DOG CAFÉ. I will not begin to tell you what we were served, because I think part of the charm is the anticipation of what is going to be served. I think it is a great experience for everyone to try at least once.

This was such a wonderful experience. Please take the tour if you get the chance.