Thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for the most wonderful, loving…
Good Morning Foodies! Oh yes, it is that time of year! I had a very productive weekend. I usually try to pick a weekend that is a DEAD ZONE and do some of my fall and holiday cooking. I baked my “90” PUMPKIN BREADS and bagged “36” quart zip-locs of PARTY MIX! Now if the humidity would of cooperated I would of made my “PRALINES”—JUST KIDDING, ‘CAUSE I WOULD OF EATEN THEM ALL BEFORE THE HOLIDAYS WERE HERE! Anyway, I made a small dent in my list of things to do for the upcoming holidays. I love scratching things off that list! Don’t laugh, you know those holidays will be here before you know it! Did you know the SAINTS play Friday nite. I am sure here in Opelousas, we will not see the game. Thanks to COX of Lafayette, they bought the rights to the pre-season SAINTS games and we are blocked from seeing the event. I don’t know why they don’t sell it so they can make money. Oh well, can still have a party and cheer them on. This week I will help you with some recipes that go with FOOTBALL SEASON! I know the next few weeks are going to be busy for everyone with BACK TO SCHOOL, FOOTBALL SEASON AND LET’S NOT FORGET HAVE ONE MORE HOLIDAY TO PACK IN—LABOR DAY! So I had a little accident cooking Saturday nite. You can believe it when they say, STEAM BURNS LIKE CRAZY! I asked HUBBY if I could get WORKMEN’S COMP! He has that way of still reminding me, “YOU DO REALIZE YOU ARE STILL NON-PROFIT!” YUKIE! I think I can still cook with one hand! So take a deep breath and relax! Have a great day!
August 5, 2013
Beach Leftovers Becoming Great Wraps
Frances’ Hummus Bi Tahini Dip
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fooball, apple pie and chevrolet.
go tigers and geaux alice