Super Bowl opening night was amazing. They were even interviewed because of their friendship bracelets.
Good Morning Foodies!
I am going to take a few moments to talk a little more about ANNIVERSARIES AND MARRIED LIFE! Hold on!!!!!!!!!!!!
First of all, HUBBY and I want to thank you all for the most heart-felt, loving ANNIVERSARY MESSAGES we received. We were so touched by the kind words! Made our day even more special! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
The basic definition of MARRIAGE IS THIS: “A RELATIONSHIP WHERE ONE PERSON IS ALWAYS RIGHT AND THE OTHER ONE IS THE HUSBAND!” The sooner the man realizes that, the smoother things will be.
The one thing that confuses most men is this: “WHEN A WOMAN SAYS “WHAT?” IT’S NOT BECAUSE SHE DIDN’T HEAR YOU. SHE IS GIVING YOU A CHANCE TO CHANGE WHAT YOU SAID!” So, you guys out there, if you can master those two concepts you might be around for 57 years, like my HUBBY! Remember they say the first “50” years of marriage are the hardest. Practice, practice, practice.
All that aside, the bottom line about a lasting marriage and relationship is NOT FINDING SOMEONE TO LIVE WITH; IT’S FINDING SOMEONE YOU CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT!
When you have been married this long, what type of gift do you give. God knows we have everything we need and more! So, to my WONDERFUL HUBBY, I give you these words of love, “THERE WERE DAYS WE LAUGHED A LITTLE LOUDER! THERE WERE DAYS WE CRIED A LITTLE SOFTER! THERE WERE DAYS WE LIVED A LITTLE STRONGER! THIS ALL HAPPENED BECAUSE WE STOOD TOGETHER!”
We all know LIFE can throw big curves! I think it is very important to put aside the paperwork and mindless busy stuff, take a walk, feel the sunshine on your face, embrace the now and find happiness and when you find it—HOLD ON TO IT AND DON’T LET IT GO!
Have a safe and productive weekend!