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Count Your Blessings!

May 20, 2013:

Good Morning Foodies! I hope today finds everyone at peace. This has been a tough time for our community. We have lost too many young people this past year. I am trying to be accepting of God’s plans, but we all know, that sometimes, it is just a little tough to do. My grandfather use to tell me, “EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT IN THE END. IF IT IS NOT ALRIGHT—IT IS NOT THE END!” One thing for sure, I saw a great deal of compassion, love, sympathy, faith and hope, this past weekend. I really believe when you see the FACE OF LOVE, YOU KNOW THAT GOD IS PRESENT! This week I will get back on track with GeauxAskAlice! As we all know, this weekend is the actual celebration of Memorial Day. The menus that I will post this week are geared to easy ideas, to keep you out of the kitchen and enjoy the great outdoors, with your loved ones. Have a great day!

Today’s Menu:


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