Another beautiful day. Heading to Don Giovanni for lunchA little breakfast from BouchonThe Irishman is awake!All food groups included!All food groups included!Still looking for the wine bottle that goes with this wine opener!Still looking for the wine bottle that goes with this wine opener!OMG apps are divine. Sipping lovely wine and music background is Boticell. Life does not get any betterOMG apps are divine. Sipping lovely wine and music background is Boticell. Life does not get any betterOMG apps are divine. Sipping lovely wine and music background is Boticell. Life does not get any betterLunch gangThanking our hubbies for our emerald and diamond bracelets for St Paddys????????????????Thus far best meal. Don Giovanni is phenomenal! Love this place. Stick a fork in me I am doneThus far best meal. Don Giovanni is phenomenal! Love this place. Stick a fork in me I am doneThus far best meal. Don Giovanni is phenomenal! Love this place. Stick a fork in me I am doneThus far best meal. Don Giovanni is phenomenal! Love this place. Stick a fork in me I am doneThus far best meal. Don Giovanni is phenomenal! Love this place. Stick a fork in me I am doneThus far best meal. Don Giovanni is phenomenal! Love this place. Stick a fork in me I am done
You judge
Our great waiter BenGargiulo Winery this afternoon. HeavenlyGargiulo Winery this afternoon. HeavenlyGargiulo Winery this afternoon. HeavenlyGreat WineryGreat WineryGreat WineryGreat WineryGreat WineryGreat WineryGreat WineryGreat WineryGreat WineryGreat WineryApps for the eveningApps for the eveningApps for the eveningApps for the eveningApps for the evening