Today’s Repeat Menu:
Pad Thai Noodles with Crawfish
Salmon Fillet Roll
Italian Plum Tomato & Artichoke Panzanella Salad
Today’s GADGET is geared toward any YOUNG PEEPS you may have hanging around your home. This is the SQdeal CARTOON HARD-BOILED EGG AND RICE MOLDS! With those upcoming EASTER GATHERINGS, this is a cute little gadget to have around for those youngsters. A great way to use all those boiled eggs and not to mention left-over rice! To use these cute little egg molds, simply place a peeled, hard-boiled egg in them while the egg is still a little warm. Let it sit in cold water for 10 minutes, and that is it! You will have adorable bunny-shaped eggs in no time at all. Works the same way with warm rice! This sells for about $6.00.
Since I really don’t have a source or a store to shop for the gadgets I post, just google the name of the product and you should be able to find out where to order or purchase the gadget. Trust me, AMAZON seems to have cornered the market on almost anything you want to purchase!
Today is the beginning of LENT for us CATHOLICS! I do realize other religions also may do some form of LENTEN ACTIVITIES! The next couple of weeks I will always try to provide a meatless menu and also incorporate ST. PATRICK’S DAY; ST. JOSEPH’S DAY, and just plain old SPRING! Since the azaleas and pretty much all other spring flowers bloomed in FEBRUARY, not sure what SPRING will look like! I have already started my summer garden. I figured it can’t hurt to get a jump start since we have had no winter. Just watch it snow for EASTER! I remember one year for EASTER, the kids were in shorts, fishing and swimming for GOOD FRIDAY, then on SATURDAY, it stormed and then EASTER SUNDAY MORNING-WE HAD SNEAUX! Yep only in the Deep SOUTH do you get crazy weather!
As I close today, I want to send out a BIG BIRTHDAY KISS AND HUG to GRAND PEEP, TYLER ALICE! Beautiful young lady is turning “17”! POPPA and I hope you have a most glorious and fun-filled day. Your smile always brightens our hearts! Love you!
Have a great day!