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Good Morning Foodies!

Today’s Repeat Menu:

Alice’s Three “C’S” Soup
Green Bean and Cannellini Salad

Today’s Gadget from E’S KITCHEN in LAFAYETTE, LA is the CHEF’N PEEL’N ONION PEELER! This is quite a unique gadget. The ONION PEELER easily peels onions while protecting your hands from the odors. You quickly score the onion skin with the sharp, hooked tip. Then, you lift the skin off with the tapered corner and discard. Just that quickly, you have peeled the onion. I think this will also help stop some of those needless TEARS when peeling onions. This gadget is also safe in the top rack of the dishwasher.

The repeat menu of today was one that came about when I needed to clean out my refrigerator. I brought out all the ingredients that I needed to use before they went bad, set them on the counter and thought of what would work together. The soup and salad came about! Quite tasty I must say!
Have a great day!

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