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Today’s Repeat Menu:

Baby Cucumber and Assorted Grape-Cherry Tomatoes with Zesty Honey-Lemon Dressing

Cheese Stuffed Mushroom Pizza Burger

Delightful Oreo Ice Cream Pie

The Patriotic Margarita

Salute the American Flag

Today’s Gadget: Cusinart Quick Ice Cream Machine

Good Morning Foodies! So did this month sneak upon you like it did for me? My, my time just doesn’t slow down! Today’s repeat menu is a fun one to do for THE FOURTH OF JULY! The beverages are so pretty and so appropriate for this holiday! Hope you enjoy this menu!

Today’s gadget is one that I invested in for myself and of course, my GRAND PEEPS. I am always looking for an easier way to make homemade ice cream. By GEORGE, I think I have found it.

It is a FROZEN YOGURT-ICE CREAM-SORBET MAKER by CUISINART. It makes frozen treats in 20 minutes or less. It is fully automatic with a double-insulated freezer bowl. It makes up to 1 ½ quarts. When I purchased my machine, there was a BONUS OFFER of an extra FREEZER BOWL. That really comes in handy when you have those kids around.
The other thing that I found is from WILLIAMS-SONOMA is their ICE CREAM STARTERS. There are two packets per container and each packet makes 5 cups of ice cream. They have the following flavors: VANILLA, CHOCOLATE, STRAWBERRY, PEANUT BUTTER CUP AND CREAMY CARAMEL. This was so easy! I mixed one packet with 1 ½ c. heavy cream and 1 ½ c. half and half. After you assemble the machine, turn it on and pour in the liquid and in less than 20 minutes you have the most delicious ice cream. I highly recommend the gadget and the product. Lovely for these warm days ahead.

Have a great day!

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