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Today’s Menu:

Filet Mignon of Pork Medallions

 Easy-Cheesy Scalloped Potatoes

Good Morning Foodies! I hope you all had a most wonderful MOTHER’S DAY WEEKEND or whatever you were celebrating. I had the most fantastic day. I want to thank all the guys who pulled the day together (yes, they had a little help from the gals). I got some nice compliments from my PEEPS but, like I told them,—“IT IS A TWO WAY STREET—GOOD KIDS MAKE US LOOK LIKE GREAT MOMS!”

The one thing I asked from HUBBY for MOTHER’S DAY was the following: “I SAID BEGINNING AT NOON ON THE FRIDAY BEFORE MOTHER’S DAY, UNTIL I WENT TO SLEEP ON SUNDAY NIGHT, I DID NOT WANT HIM TO ASK ME ONE QUESTION! I DID NOT WANT TO MAKE ONE DECISION!” I cannot tell you how difficult it was for the HUBBY! See, he couldn’t ask me where his glasses or shoes were or where did he put the newspaper, much less, ask me what I wanted for him too cook. It was a nice reality check for him. I don’t think he realized how many things he asks me about all those misplaced items and decisions that he doesn’t want to make. You FOODIES might want to try it sometimes. It was a great gift for me!!!!!!!!! I don’t know about you but when I look at my May calendar, IT IS PRETTY FULL! The next couple weeks to round out the month, I will squeeze in GRADUATIONS, MEMORIAL DAY, PROBABLY, MORE FIRST COMMUNIONS AND CONFIRMATIONS AND LET’S NOT FORGET ALL THOSE END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR BANQUETS AND PROGRAMS!!! So hold on and enjoy the ride! Remember to embrace these moments and the people around you! Have a great day!

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