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Good Morning Foodies!!!

Good Morning Foodies! Will be back in the kitchen on Monday! I thought I would repost the options you have on my site !Have a great and productive weekend!

Okay foodies…just a weekly reminder that you can now subscribe to my GeauxAskAlice blog and have my postings delivered directly to you via email. Google, GeauxAskAlice and it will come up. Look for the one that says Food and Blog, click on that and it will bring you to the website. On the main page right under my picture, you will see a little white box, which says email, and a button with the word Go (obviously spelled wrong!). Fill in your email address and press Go. You will then be emailed a link to confirm your subscription. Click on that link to confirm and you are done. Easy as that! Hope you enjoy this new time saving handy dandy feature! This does not change any of the previous ways that you are viewing the site. What this does is allows my postings to come to you via email, without you having to search every day for me. If you like the way you do the site, by all means just keep it that way. Since I post early in the morning, the people who go on FB later in the day, have to search for me because my post gets pushed down. You know what I mean! This email thing allows me to stalk you no matter where you are. Give it a try!

WEEKLY GUIDE TO THE GEAUX ASK ALICE SITE!!! This is the weekly guide I will post to help all the new FOODIES to the site.
The weekly plan is to post menus on Monday-Wednesday with a wrap up on Thursday. I will leave the recipe/pics for the entire week, then starting a new week, the previous recipes/pics will be moved to their proper albums. But as we all know, LIFE COMES WITH INTERRUPTIONS—as the saying goes, “YOU MAKE ALL YOUR PLANS AND GOD JUST SMILES AT YOU!” So I will do my best!
GeauxAskAlice is basically trying to show you how to prepare easy recipes that are very pleasing to the eye. I also try to show you how to use leftovers for another day and time.
I will always have a picture to go with the menu and recipes that are there. Since I have been doing this since February 2012, you will see there are many recipes hidden in the site!
Here is how you find the past recipes:
1-Click on photos.
2-Then click on albums.
3-All the categories should appear, eg. Hot appetizers, Soups, etc.
4-Click on the category you would like to see.
5-Whatever recipes are in that category, the pictures will pop up.
6-Click on the picture and the recipe will appear.
To copy and paste the recipes from GeauxAskAlice, all you need to do is the following:

Open the recipe so that you can see all of it in the comment section.
Left click and drag the mouse to the end of the recipe, which will highlight it all the way down. Then release the button.
(Only the information highlighted will copy, so if you don’t highlight all of the recipe, you will not copy all of the recipe.) Put your arrow (that is moved around by the mouse) anywhere on the highlighted section, right click and a menu will pop up…
Click on the word “copy.”
Then go to and/or open a word program, (Microsoft Word, etc.) and open a blank page right click on your blank page, you will see the same menu you will click on the word “paste” (here you may have two to three little squares that come up, pick the one that says text only when you run the mouse over it.) then voila, the recipe will appear!
From there you just press the print button and you are done!

Also Wednesday, has been designated as repeat and gadget day. So I will repeat a menu that has been done in the past and feature the newest and best gadgets on the market today.
Also on Monday, I will clear the site of the past weeks menu and pics but they will be moved to the categories.
As of November 30, 2012, I now have a website. You do not have to be on FaceBook to see GeauxAskAlice. So spread the word to your non FB friends that they can find my blog by searching: I am told it is easier to print out recipes from the website because there is the print friendly version. We are still working out the kinks on the site but check it out!
Thanks for your support!

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