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Good Morning Foodies! I am sure you are wondering what this title means. No I am not entertaining FOREIGN DIPLOMATS—just guests north of Alexandria, LA. Those are all NORTHERNERS RIGHT!

A week ago, HUBBY hosted a duck hunt for some NEW YORKERS and this weekend, some hunters from FLORIDA (ok, maybe they are from the SOUTH)!
It was such a pleasure meeting these guys from NEW YORK. They were so pleased and surprised at the hospitality they received. I had a nice talk with a few of the gentlemen. I told them this is who we are—we never feel like there are strangers around us, always family and friends! One gentleman told me, if they went to something like what we presented, it was for a cause or the attitude of-“WHAT CAN YOU DO FOR ME-IF I DO THIS FOR YOU!”

I told HUBBY, we could pat ourselves on our backs for a job well done. These guys were headed to New Orleans but did not want to leave. They said they felt so at home. I like that. Everyone that passes through your doors should always feel the warmth and love that you want to share. Remember it is not about the food, it is the feeling of making that person feel special! They may not remember what you served but will remember feeling LOVED!! I am hoping to make the group from FLORIDA, this coming weekend, feel the same! I will post some of the pictures of the table setting and food presentation. I did the MARDI GRAS THEME. I thought they should get a little feel for that FUN-FILLED OCCASION! They loved the KING CAKE!!!! “SAY WHAT YOU WILL ABOUT THE SOUTH BUT NO ONE RETIRES AND MOVES UP NORTH—RIGHT!”
With that being said, I will not be posting on Monday, January 26th but will be back on Tuesday, January 27th.

Have a safe and productive weekend!

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