Good Morning Foodies!
I am still in recovery mode from the EASTER GATHERING. Trust me, I am not complaining—this type of RECOVERY, I will take every day. Being an only child, gives you a different outlook when around other people. In addition to be the only child, I grew up in a home with two deaf mute parents—needless to say, a very quiet place. HUBBY comes from a family of “9” SIBLINGS-I am sure much more noise in that household. As you can see, we came from two very different environments, but somewhere down the line we merged both our upbringings, did some adjusting and figured out how to make it work!
We had about 70 gather for EASTER! As I sat and looked around at all the family and friends, one thing that came to mind—I SEE SMILES ON MANY FACES! I like to believe that HUBBY’S SIBLINGS AND SPOUSES have tried to instill in the upcoming generations, how important FAMILY IS! Yes, it requires a little planning and hard work but trust me, so worth the effort! I only hope that my children/spouses, nieces/nephews/spouses and all the generations to follow will always look back and say, “GOSH, THAT WAS A GREAT MEMORY!” With that in mind, hopefully they will continue the tradition of showing how important it is for FAMILY/FRIENDS to always make the effort to unite and share their lives with each other! CARRY ON THE BEST OF MEMORIES!
Have a safe and productive weekend!