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Today’s Menu:

Morrow’s Lemony Baked Chicken

Savory Eggplant and Lentil Salad

Sharon’s Carrot Souffle

Gooey Caramel-Pecan Bars

Good Morning Foodies! Okay, so my SAINTS let another game slip away. Someone told me that last year they won all their pre-season games but were horrible for the rest of the season. I am hoping this is a reverse situation. I do remind myself, IT IS ONLY PRE-SEASON!

So I am so excited that I had a very productive outcome from last weeks’ time in the kitchen. I prepared a large assortment of dishes that I needed to put in the freezer for the upcoming fall and holidays. That is such a great feeling to strike that off your list of things to do. I knew when I looked at my schedule for the next 4 months, I was going to be pinched for time in preparing some of these items that I know I need. With a little planning, you can accomplish more than you think. Now if I could feel that way about my CHRISTMAS LISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today’s menu is another one that I am throwing out to all of you working parents that try to put a decent meal on the table in the evening for your family. I know with all the activities of each family member, time is of the essence. Like I said before, “A LITTLE PLANNING GOES A VERY LONG WAY”!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great day!

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