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Herb Paring Chart!

Herb Paring Chart!

Today, I am also going to share with you, a chart I found talking about HERBS FROM OUR GARDENS, or YOUR FARMER’S MARKET/STORES! The chart suggests how you should pair certain herbs with meats, chicken, fish, veggies, etc. I don’t…



Today’s Gadget from E’s Kitchen in Lafayette, LA is the CHEF’N QUICK STICK! This gadget quickly cut fruits and veggies into snacking spears. You simply place the produce in the tube, then press. The QUICK STICK is perfect for those…

Wine Glasses with straws

Today’s Gadgets! Crazy ones!

So today’s Gadgets, I think can be highly dangerous! The first comes from E’s Kitchen in Lafayette. It is called the Genietti (1000 and 1 Solutions for your Kitchen.) All I can say is what the ad says: “IT’S TIME…

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