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Good Morning Foodies!

Today’s Menu:

Savory Pork Chops with Ancho Cream Sauce
Assorted Roasted Carrots with Avocado and Feta Vinaigrette
Pecan Streusel Bourbon Pumpkin Pie

Well, here we are, the “TWENTY FIFTH” day is slowly approaching us. This is where I strap on my gear and have one speed and direction (SUPER FAST AND FORWARD)! These coming weeks I will try and supply some menus that are super quick so that you can have a decent meal on the table which allows you time to find those “ELVES” that are suppose to help you! I never can find them! Closer to the holidays the menus will be more of the type for family gatherings and celebrations.

We are still in the football season—this weekend is the SEC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME! I really thought my TIGERS would be in that game but looks like we are in for some big changes! This past weekend was a very emotional game for LES, THE PLAYERS, THE FANS, THE SPORTS WRITERS AND I am sure THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AT LSU! I think LES MILES deserves to right the ship. Just keep moving forward!
Whatever you do try and take time to enjoy the festivities around you—and especially your family and friends!

Have a great day!

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