Good Morning Foodies!
In the upcoming posts, will shift gears to the upcoming fall, Halloween, Homecomings, Frigid Weather (got your attention), etc. The other day I heard a group of gals talking about the upcoming Homecomings and how they honor past classes. Some were dreading it and some just love that stuff! I saw a little saying the other day that I thought was so appropriate for those upcoming class reunions! It said: “I DON’T WANT TO BRAG OR MAKE ANYBODY JEALOUS OR ANYTHING, BUT I CAN STILL FIT INTO THE EARRINGS I WORE IN HIGH SCHOOL!” Love that!
I would venture to say that most of you all will be attending or watching football games, hauling kids to soccer or volleyball meets, pushing men out the door to go hunting, or sitting there waiting for that first cold snap.
You know when the temperature drops to 80, those gumbo pots start rattling. I can only dream!
Ah yes, here comes those MONDAYS—what would we do without them! I always tell someone who is around me on MONDAY MORNINGS, LET ME DRINK MY SECOND CUP OF COFFEE—THIS IS FOR YOUR PROTECTION ONLY! YOU KNOW IF MONDAY HAD A FACE, I WOULD SLAP IT!!!!! So now, I am going to be positive and don’t let that MONDAY BLUE DAY GET ME DOWN! Don’t know about you, but my house on MONDAY MORNINGS LOOKS LIKE A TORNADO WENT THROUGH IT! How can that be there are only two of us here (BUT WE DO KNOW WHO MAKES THE MOST MESS!) I have one time-saver for you: “DON’T DUST COFFEE TABLES, END TABLES AND COUNTER TOPS—YOU CAN USE THEM AS MESSAGE BOARDS!”
I always try to remember, “You don’t have to be PERFECT to be AMAZING!” GOD doesn’t give US what we can HANDLE. GOD helps US HANDLE what we are GIVEN!
On those days, when you just want to throw in the towel, but then don’t want to feel with the negative aspect of that, think of this: “Giving Up doesn’t always mean you are Weak. Sometimes it means that you are Strong enough to Let Go!
Have a safe and productive weekend! Don’t stress MONDAYS!