Good Morning Foodies!
Today’s Menu:
Fresh Herbed Ricotta Tomato Salad
Alice’s Savory Crawfish Mac & Cheese
Tangy Limoncello Bread Pudding
Now that SPRING HAS OFFICIALLY ARRIVED—tell that to the month of FEBRUARY, time to focus on shedding that WINTER FAT. Don’t know about you but what shows up for me is “SPRING ROLLS”! Wouldn’t it be nice if our flourishing “MOSQUITOS” would suck FAT instead of BLOOD! I could live with that relationship! Still in DETOX MODE from NAPA! Thinking those little mosquitos might like biting me and getting some VINO INTO THEIR DIET! Then maybe those little suckers would fly right into a wall!
So you can see that today, I am posting that CRAWFISH MAC & CHEESE that I was experimenting with. Great dish during Lent and the kids (as well as adults) will love it!
Have a great day!