Frances Falcon's English Toffee
Recipe By:
  • 2 c. sugar
  • 2 c. butter
  • 1 ¼ c. sliced almonds or peanuts, divided (The ¼ c. must be ground very fine in food processor.)
  • ¼ c. plus 1 T. water
  • 12-oz. bag semisweet chocolate morsels
  1. Very important to have an accurate candy thermometer.
  2. Combine sugar, butter, 1 c. nuts and water in large, heavy saucepan.
  3. Cook over medium-high heat to hard crack stage (300 degrees), stirring constantly.
  4. After butter melts, this takes about 12 minutes. DO NOT LEAVE POT UNATTENDED!!!! IT MUST BE STIRRED CONSTANTLY!!!
  5. When mixture reaches 300 degree, quickly pour into a 17x11.5x1 inch nonstick jelly roll pan, spreading to the edges of the pan.
  6. Have prepared close by, chocolate morsels and remaining ¼ c. nuts which have been ground very fine in food processor.
  7. Sprinkle morsels over hot pan of toffee. Let stand 1 minute or until chocolate begins to melt.
  8. Spread chocolate over entire toffee layer.
  9. Sprinkle with remaining ¼ c. nuts.
  10. Refrigerate until set.
  11. When set, remove from refrigerator and break into pieces.
  12. Store into airtight container in refrigerator. Will keep for weeks. Can also be frozen.
*****Makes 2 ½ lbs.
Recipe by Geaux Ask Alice! at